Former Robin Hotel Receives Funding To Become Veterans’ Housing

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-5th District) visited Robbinsdale on Friday to highlight a project that aims to help veterans in need.
“They went and served their country — they should be taken care of by their country,” Omar said. “And we want to do everything we can to try to secure federal resources so that Minnesota can do its part.”
The Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) is turning the former Robin Hotel at 41st and Hubbard avenues into housing for homeless veterans.
Omar presented project officials with a check for $750,000 in federal funds to remodel the more than 100-year-old structure.
“MACV reached out to us and said ‘we need $1.2 million,’” Omar said. “And we were able to secure $750,000 for them.”
Once it’s remodeled, the building is expected to house about 16 veterans in need. MACV clients can use the housing in the short term while transitioning to a more permanent situation, or they can use it as a long-term place to stay.
“This building is 125 years old,” said Sara Riegle, vice president of property operations for MACV. “It does need some extensive demolition and rehab to be a safe and dignified place for veterans to live.”
MACV hopes to have the building remodeled by fall 2024.
Riegle said MACV plans to keep the feel of the old architecture intact.
“We absolutely hope to keep a lot of the character of this original historic building,” she said. “There’s some amazing carved wood and just some really unique charm inside. So we do hope to honor that history of this town as much as possible.”
CCX Media Friday November 10th, 2023 Story Written by Kevin Miller