St. Louis County Health and Human Services Conference 2023: Courageous Connections

The St. Louis County Health and Human Services Conference is an annual event that has been celebrated for over four decades. This year, the conference marked its 41st anniversary with the theme “Courageous Connections: Leading with Curiosity and Compassion.”
This year’s event occurred at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center from October 11 to October 13, 2023. This conference has grown to become a landmark event in the field of health and human services. It brought together professionals, industry leaders, students, and community members to exchange ideas, learn about the latest developments and trends, and explore innovative solutions to challenges in the sector.
Amongst the conference attendees were 13 MACV staff members from the metro and north regions. MACV senior outreach specialist Amanda Hooper presented two well-attended sessions: Veteran Trauma and Dimensions of Diversity. This conference is a significant networking and learning opportunity for those in the field.
The St. Louis County Health and Human Services Conference is more than an event; it is a testament to the dedication and commitment of health and human services professionals in St. Louis County and beyond. It was an opportunity to learn, connect, and be inspired. We look forward to putting what we learned into practice to assist Veterans living in Minnesota in achieving housing stability.