Gateway for Services: Hotel Program
MACV’s Hotel Program Manager James McCloden sat down with WCCO CBS Channel 4 to discuss the importance of utilizing hotels as a triage method of support for Veterans in Minnesota. Since the pandemic began, MACV has increased hotel usage as a critical tool for housing stability – with great success.
Often the first step in care, hotels offer Vets a safe place to stay while they work with our team to develop a healthy, sustainable path forward.
“What we really are is a gateway for services, McCloden state in his interview. “The first thing we have to do is stabilize Veterans so they can make decisions with a foundation under their feet.”
MACV continues to innovate through adversity. Come what may – even a pandemic – we stand with Veterans with commitment and respectfully support them with dignity.
We are ending Veteran homelessness in Minnesota, and you can help. Making a direct financial contribution will help us accomplish our mission: go to today and your donation will be doubled with a match from Comcast.