MACV Employee Spotlight – Toni Johnson

This week, we are featuring Toni Johnson.
Toni has worked in property management for over 20 years. She’s worked as a building caretaker, a leasing agent, and property management and is very knowledgeable about housing. Her experience working with the low-income population and her connections in Duluth brought her to MACV. Toni is our property manager in the North Region.
“Setting aside more housing units for low-income Veterans would do a lot to help end Veteran homelessness in our state.” -Toni Johnson
Toni’s husband was in the National Guard for 28 years with two deployments; both of her grandfathers served in the military, and she has an uncle who served in Vietnam. Toni finds MACV’s dedication to our mission of ending Veteran homelessness in Minnesota to be the most rewarding part of working at MACV.
Toni loves spending time with her family and volunteering with her local DAV chapter outside of work! She is a hockey Mom and has two dogs and a cat. In the summer, Toni can go camping with her family.
Toni, we thank you for your service to our country and community!